Mango Curd – a delicious way to use a mango

mango curd

Mango curd

I ordered a 2 kg box of mangoes as part of my online grocery shopping with the intention of making chutney. When it turned up, the mangoes were ripe to the point of looking over-ripe and spoiled. For chutney you ideally need slightly under-ripe fruit so I had to think again. The mangoes were in fact deliciously perfect but 5 large mangoes was too many to eat in one go! I puréed a couple and put them in the freezer for smoothies and found this mango curd recipe.

It makes a really interesting change from the normal lemon curd, delicious as that is. Anything you can do with lemon curd I assume you could do with mango curd, from eating it on bread to filling cupcakes with it or using it as a sauce.

It is made in half an hour and isn’t complicated. It will keep for a few weeks in the fridge so if you have a mango and have no idea what to do with it, give this a go! The recipe uses four egg yolks and I have been looking for a fruit curd recipe for a long time that uses egg yolks exclusively, for when I make meringue and have them left over. This time I used the yolks first so will be making a mango pavlova as well.

The recipe uses one large mango and a lime and produces a couple of small to medium sized jars of fruit curd. I recommend it for breakfast on toast. I had some homemade Fruit Bread left over that I toasted and covered in Mango Curd and it was delicious. You don’t need any butter or margarine with it because it is a rich mixture that already contains butter.

homemade mango curd

Homemade Mango Curd and Fruit Bread for breakfast



1 large ripe mango, weighing around 450g

Zest and juice of 1 lime

125g golden caster sugar

125g unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

4 egg yolks, lightly beaten


Peel the mango and cut all the fruit off the central flat stone. Purée the mango flesh until smooth.

Put the puréed mango, lime zest and juice, sugar, butter and egg yolks into a large heatproof bowl on top of a pan of simmering water. Do not allow the bottom of the bowl to touch the water.

Stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture is thick and coats the back of the wooden spoon.

Pour the curd into hot, sterilised jars, cover and seal. When cold store in the fridge.

homemade mango curd

Mango Curd


Categories: Baking, Desserts, Fruit, Jam making and Preserves, Recipes

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38 replies

  1. This looks absolutely delicious, I’m a massive fan of any fruit curd, but have never made mango curd so will be trying this!

  2. I have drunk a lot of mango juice/smoothies but never made mango curd. It’s a great way of using up excess mango that would otherwise spoil and also it must taste really nice? thanks for sharing. I will try this.

  3. I love mango and never thought about using it in a curd. What a great idea and it looks delicious on toast!

  4. this sounds amazing! how long does it keep for in jars?

  5. Yum! I love mangoes! They are my absolute favorite fruit. This looks great!

  6. I had heard of lemon curd and had seen chef Rachel Allen make it on her show but I haven’t made it myself yet. I am definitely going to make the mango curd. I didn’t know you could make curds with fruits other than lemons! Thank you for this post!

  7. I made the mango curd just now. I used Ataulfo mangos (from Mexico). They’re small and yellow but there is more fruit and less pit. I used my immersion blender so I didn’t have to strain it. I plan to spread it on my toasted blueberry bagel tomorrow for breakfast! Yum! A breakfast to look forward to! Now I want to try other curds!

  8. Wow what a great idea! I am definitely going to have to make some mango curd this summer!

  9. This is brilliant! I’d never thought of mango curd. I recently made pineapple curd, inspired by Brooke of Adventures of a Cake Diva. And it was soooo good. This one is next on my list!

  10. I hope I can be answered soon! I have a question. I want to make this as a Christmas desert under a Coconut Panna Cotta. My plan is to set the Mango curd first in the fridge before adding the Coconut Panna Cotta and setting that also (like in a fancy glass). My question was is the Mango curd set well enough to pour something on top without it going through?
    Thank you!

    • Hi, thanks for your question! I think that as long as you cook your mango curd so it is thick enough (and it will be thicker cold than hot, of course) it should be fine. I would also pour the pannacotta in over the back of a spoon. If your curd turned out too thin you could always put a layer on top? It sounds absolutely delicious, would love to hear how it goes. Happy Christmas!

  11. I love curd! I would love to make this. I can’t lie I’m going to cheat and used tinned mango.

  12. Hello! Thank you very much for the recipe 🙂 this looks like the perfect way to use up an excess of mangoes. Can you let me know if you mean 450g of mango flesh, or 450g of mango including the skin etc. If it is the latter, would you know roughly how much flesh that would be please? I’m using fairly small mangoes, so will me using more than one. Thanks very much!

    • Hi, thank you very much for your question! The weight is the unprepared fruit so I think I would use about 500g unprepared small fruit, just in case the proportion of flesh to stone and skin is lower. Sorry not to be more helpful than that but I don’t think it will make too much difference. Hope you enjoy it!

  13. Hi could you tell me how many grams this mango curd makes.

  14. This looks amazing and will be trying this for my friends wedding cupcakes. Do you know how long the Curd will keep for in the fridge and or if it can be frozen.

    • Hi, thank you very much for getting in touch. The curd should last maybe a month or more sealed in sterilised jars but only a week or two once opened. You can also freeze it if necessary. Hope you enjoy it!

  15. We are planning to use the mango curd as a filling in a Chocolate Lime cake. Looking forward to tasting it!


  1. Pavlova with Mango Curd and Fresh Mango – and no leftover egg whites or yolks! | lovinghomemade
  2. Blackberry and Apple Tart with (Surprisingly Delicious) Wholemeal Spelt Pastry | lovinghomemade
  3. Chocolate Dipped Mango Macarons | Tales of pigling bland
  4. Hot Mango Chutney | lovinghomemade
  5. New Food Friday – Ataulfo Mango Curd | For Your Good Health

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