Addictive Blog Award

Being quite new to the world of blogging I was really delighted to find out that the girl with the bicycle, one of my favourite bloggers, had nominated me for the Addictive Blog Award! Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!

Here are the Award Rules:

  1. Thank the person awarding you.
  2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started.
  3. Paste the blog award on your page.
  4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award.


I started this blog very recently, in part because I felt I couldn’t really go on texting my friends pictures of my cakes and expecting them to care! Having never considered myself creative, I am finally starting to feel that I may have some talents and blogging is a good way to a) find out and b) share them if they exist. When I started I intended to cover all sorts of homemade delights, not just baking; so far I haven’t managed it but am completely inspired by the many incredible blogs out there and can only hope to produce something that people enjoy.


Below are my nominations, in no particular order. They are all great and the more well known ones will already have loads of awards. They still deserve another!

  1. The Scrumptious Pumpkin
  2. blackberries and bloodoranges
  3. In Pursuit of More
  4. Homemade with Mess
  5. Canadian Hiking Photography
  6. Kate’s Creative Space
  7. En Quete de Saveur
  8. Taste the Wild
  9. A Thousand Threads
  10. Liesl Made

Categories: About, Awards

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9 replies

  1. I find it addictive! Have had to make several recipes -and eat them.

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me. Congrats on receiving the award yourself and best of luck with your blogging journey!

  3. Congratulations! Well deserved! 🙂 Fae.

  4. Thank you so much again! And congratulations to you!!

  5. Yay, congrats on the blogging world! 🙂
    xo TJ


  1. Why I Blog « A Thousand Threads
  2. Why I Blog

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